A Wild New Work Podcast: Processing Loss in Our Careers

Getting fired, being laid off, not getting a promotion, feeling guilty for leaving our team…loss shows up in many ways throughout our career. It’s an inevitable part of being a professional, but it’s not something we talk about enough.

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One Simple Way to Reconnect to Your Calling

It’s been a while since I wrote a blog post. I didn’t mean to step away from writing this summer, but now I see that it was a natural and necessary break. On one hand, I was focused on getting monthly podcast episodes out, and on the other, I was undergoing so much change that it hardly felt like I could come up for air, much less put together a coherent post for you.

If I had to come up with a title for this summer, it would be “Brain Chemistry.” Through a series of personal events, astrological phenomena, and reaching the end of my rope with my own self-imposed limitations, I became focused on deeply upgrading my thought patterns and belief systems about what I can and cannot do.

Maybe one day I’ll tell you more about what has shifted for me this summer, but I’m still too close to it to offer anything very helpful.

For now, I want to share a practice that’s been like an anchor for me on days when I felt like I lost track of what I was meant to do in my worklife.

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A Wild New Work Podcast: Motherhood as a Portal to Deeper Service

This post includes the latest episode of my podcast, A Wild New Work: Ecological guidance for your career. This month I'm sharing a bit about my experience of becoming a mother and what I see as the gifts that motherhood has to teach us about our careers. 

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Why You Might Find It Hard to Stay Motivated in Work

Imagine being holed up in an office cubicle with your coffee cup at arm's reach, and you decide to get some work done. A few hours and thousands of memes and dog videos later, you are still staring at your screen without having done anything.

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A Wild New Work: Navigating Career Transitions as a Highly Sensitive Person

A Wild New Work Podcast: Ecological Guidance for Your Career is a monthly podcast which covers the major themes at play for us at work and it’s designed to support you in taking intentional, wise, soul-centered action in your career, all based on the rhythms of Nature.

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